As a tribute to heroes this upcoming Memorial Day, Telmate Manager and Boise, Idaho native Tim Haus gave The Boys & Girls Club of Western Treasure Valley a glimpse of what true heroes are with his Hero Awareness class on May 20, 2015.
“Working for an industry that serves law enforcement, Telmate is no stranger to everyday heroes who put their lives on the line for the sake of public service,” said Haus. “My goal was to show these kids the true meaning of service and sacrifice and hopefully inspire them to choose a righteous path for themselves when they grow up.”
During his one-hour presentation, Haus got the kids to think about who their heroes are and why those individuals represent heroes to them. By showing the kids images of both male and female superheroes, and having them share various interpretations of hero (or heroine) qualities, Haus was able to get the kids to examine their own hero definitions, state who their heroes are, and why. Not surprisingly, most of them chose a family member. “I feel they got good understanding of why someone can be a hero and I think they felt empowered to be heroes for their families and friends,” observed Haus. In the end, the class left with a redefined sense of what it means to be heroic.
Haus is part of a growing number of Telmate employees that selflessly volunteer their time each month to teach or train a dedicated group of B&G participants as part of the “Telmate Cares” community outreach program. Each month, two volunteers like Haus lead similar classes as part of a program with topics like: Coding 101; Job Interview Basics; Information Technology 101, and Developing a Professional Brand.
As an active member of the community himself, he serves on the board of the Boys & Girls Club of Western Treasure Valley and regularly volunteers for other organizations such as the Owyhee Rider for Hunger, Rake Up Boise, Paint the Town, and Race for the Cure. “ I am very thankful to have the opportunity for the kids to get to know me in a different role,” he said, “and I felt that the presentation went well and the kids had a good time.”
“Heroes are prevalent in our world here at Telmate,” said Chief Marketing Officer, Jeff Hansen. “We build technology to empower them, create programs to recognize them ( and hire quality employees who are heroes in their own right.”