The thought of dissecting a computer is extremely intimidating for most people but for Boys and Girls Club members, the experience was both a treat and a challenge worth taking!

Last week, the Boys and Girls Club led a Spring Break STEM Camp — a hands-on science, technology, engineering, and math event where students learn through activities using scientific and engineering skills. Telmate, a leading corrections technology provider, led the engineering portion of the workshop. And sales engineer and Telmate Cares volunteer Danny Martinez showed the kids the insides of a computer.

“I was impressed by the engagement and interest from the kids,” Martinez said. “I feel fortunate to have been given an opportunity to impart my knowledge and give them hands-on experience.”

Each month, two volunteers like Martinez lead similar classes as part of Telmate’s community outreach initiative, called Telmate Cares. Past volunteers have already spearheaded professional development classes like: Coding 101; Job Interview Basics; and Developing a Professional Brand.

“Giving back to the community has been a big part of our company’s culture,” said Chief Marketing Officer, Jeff Hansen. “Telmate Cares is a perfect example of how our employees take it upon themselves to do what they can in support of our mission.”

For more information about Telmate outreach efforts, visit: